Thank you for your interest in my work. Shop for artwork based on various themed collections or from my complete art gallery below. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, fine acryl or metal print, and more! No watermarks will be shown on the finished artworks and your purchase is secured by a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Shop for artwork based on subjects. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

The Acquisitionist 003 by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Sunrise in Paradise by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Rattenberg by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Colourful Still Live by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Weekend in the City by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Tall Trees by Edmund Nagele FRPS

A Field of Snow by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Three Trees in the Cold by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Autumn Walk by Edmund Nagele FRPS

The Watchful Eye by Edmund Nagele FRPS

It's Cold Outside by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Hearts of Stone 02 by Edmund Nagele FRPS

The Heist by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Stones of a Beach by Edmund Nagele FRPS

The Journey by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Refresh in Red by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Morning Sun by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Poppy Power by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Hanseatic City of Stade by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Wide Awake and so Confused by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Fog in the Valley by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Lone Journey by Edmund Nagele FRPS

The Parliament by Edmund Nagele FRPS

Road to Irrelevance by Edmund Nagele FRPS
Displaying: 1 - 24 of 2245
About the Edmund Nagele FRPS
Edmund Nagele is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (FRPS)
When I left a Munich advertising studio for Ireland, I dreamed of cheap whisky, hot geysers and a little adventure. Wrong. Very wrong indeed! The whiskey was expensive, the hot springs were in Iceland and the little adventure developed into a big adventure. The land and it's people were fascinating right from the beginning and after learning a few words of the English language, tinted with an Irish flavour, mind and soul were cleared of orderly Teutonic perceptions. The wind blew away the acquired photographic rules to let grey skies and green meadows convert easily into stunning pictures. The adventure was in full swing and I never missed the Bavarian studio.
Since then I have travelled to many exotic countries. During 1973, in recognition of my work, I was awarded the honours of a Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (F.R.P.S.). In 1982 I started to build up my own Picture Library ( and for commercial reasons, moved to England. Here I soon discovered the Highland of Scotland which has so much in common with the Emerald Isle. The sunny beaches of exotic tourist destinations did not tempt me, hence it is no surprise that I still have not got around to buying a sensible sunshade for my camera. Instead of a sunshade I placed many other astonishing, yet creative bits in front of my lenses in order to manipulate my work within the camera. Deception by photography ?
Then came the pixels: Rather than being satisfied with retouching existing photographs, I went in at the deep end and experimented with many different digital styles. The painted effects, created with the help of PhotoShop and Painter software, give a new meaning to "painting with light". Here, photography drifts into virtual painting and with each controlled brushstroke new ideas are opened up.
Mankind expressed creativity in the Stone Ages with a few colours derived from nature itself. The palette of shades evolved over centuries, today even the smallest of home computer, iThingy or smart phone lay claim to "millions of colours". Thus in photography, it is not the camera that creates the picture, but the person behind it - the computer technology is simply a medium helping us to express ourselves in ways we could have never envisaged a few years ago. May my selection of images cross barriers of language and culture, offering only inspiration. On second thoughts, inspiration to purchase any work of mine would not come amiss either :-)
* If you are undecided which of my images might be a welcome gift for a dear friend, why not consider a gift card
* If you wish to license any of my images for personal or commercial use you may do so at nagelestock, and
* You are cordially invited to view my selection of exclusive calendars
Legal Note:
All Rights Reserved. All images in this gallery are the original work of Edmund Nagele F.R.P.S. All works for sale are the copyright of Edmund Nagele F.R.P.S. and as such, are protected by US and International Copyright laws. No images are within Public Domain, NO FREE images are offered. Fair use is not an excuse. Purchased prints will NOT show any copyright watermarking.
Thank you for your interest shown in my work.
Edmund Nagele FRPS
Award winning Photography & Contemporary Art